Astelehena sits

Nola beste identificado Gelechiidae buruzko kokapena, aurreko ale gisa bereko (No. Prescott Arizona). I’m taking a stab at this moth being in the genus Chionodesand it is superficially similar to the species C. continuella. Zorionez, ez dago talde honen monografia bat da (America Mexikoko North Moths, Fasciculus 7.6) . . . → Gehiago irakurri: Astelehena sits

Astelehena sits


This moth is a good example of what a lot of my moths are at the momentunidentified! This is certainly a Gelechiidae, you can see the large upturned palps on the front of the head, and a finger-shaped projection on the tips of the hindwings. Just about one of the easiest . . . → Gehiago irakurri: Astelehena sits