Astelehena sits

Stigmella sp.

Aste honetan, txiki-txiki bat partekatzen ari naiz, scruffy, and semi-competently spread Nepticulidae in the genus Estigmella from the same light trap of Prescott Arizona as the past few Monday Moths. Ohi dut ez nuke argazki hori ez da baldintza onenetan sits baten partekatzeko, but I’m using this as an example of technique. Not only was this 4mm moth pulled out of the bottom of a light trap, but it was field pinned and dried for over a year and a half. I’ve always heard that it can nearly be impossible to deal with the smallest of the small; and for the most part I haven’t. I used to think you need to capture them off of a light sheet alive in a vial and euthanize moments before spreading, all while never, inoiz utzi pixka tiniest lehortu horiek aurretiaz. Baina bihurtzen da, ihes dezakezu ale duina lasaigarria by 24 ordu eta zabaltzeko hankaz gora. Jakina bat ontzi-tranpa bat irabiagailuan saihestu ale primeran freskoa baldin baduzu it a far superior ale egingo luke. Better oraindik, Hosto nirea bota duzu eta sits reared yourself. Nepticulidae horietako gehienak ostalari-jakin eta askoz ere anitzagoak dira baino kreditu eman ditugu horiek. Entzun dut ez behintzat izan daiteke 100 Espezie berrien aurkikuntza alone zain AEBetan.

Iruzkinak itxita daude.