Ongi New bertaraino!

Ongi etorri Eszeptikoa sits Etxe berria izateko! Dakit eguneratzeko blogroll ez da hori guztia fun, baina eskerrik asko nirekin itsastea. Eta astelehenean geroztik – Hemen Automeris io da (Saturniidae) Illinois hegoaldeko, Maiatza 2012.


Cheers eta Urte Berri On!

. . . → Gehiago irakurri: Ongi New bertaraino!

Moth Portraiture

Not an uncommon moth, but a distinguished looking one. This is Catocala ilia (Erebidae) ((formerly Noctuidae)), and it feeds on a handful of Oaks. It came into my light over the weekend in Southern Illinois, down in the Trail of Tears State Forest. As with so many other moths this widespread species has a number . . . → Gehiago irakurri: Moth Portraiture