Jesus, korridore 4

What would Jesus do if he had some free timemaybe cure a disease, end a war, or feed the starvingbut nah, everyone sees that coming. Why not shock them to the coreburn your face on a Walmart receipt! Gutxienez, that’s what a couple in South Carolina believe to . . . → Gehiago irakurri: Jesus, korridore 4

Begiratu zure horoskopoa gaur?

I did, and it sounds like it was written by Sarah Palin. Benetan, I came across this meta analysis of over 22,000 horoscopes over on Information is Beautiful. It’s spectacularbut I’ll run down a few points here:

From these 22,000 horoscopes came a chart of the most common words (bottom), 90% horietatik . . . → Gehiago irakurri: Begiratu zure horoskopoa gaur?

Deitu dit eszeptikoa…

Gailu interesgarri hau topatu nuen eta berehalako gut erreakzio bat izan zuen.. “Jakina ergelak ur bonbilla bat ez uxatzeko euli, hau iruzur bat da!”…

arnasa sakon…

Ados duten eszeptizismoa terrible da. Benetan, zinikoa da eta zer skeptics deitzen ari gorroto da. Gainera, askoz ere errazago gertatzen den zerbait – . . . → Gehiago irakurri: Deitu dit eszeptikoa…

Psychics strike again!

A sad story has just made its way up from Belizethe American Crocodile Education Sanctuary has burned to the ground. At first glance this was merely an unfortunate report about a research and conservation facility that had been lost in a tragic fire. That, hala ere, is not the entire story. It turns . . . → Gehiago irakurri: Psychics strike again!

An Uphill Battle

If there is one thing that I learned in college, it was how to easily distract myself. I tend to keep my TV on in the background while I’m working on my computer, especially late at night when I am usually fighting a winning war against sleep. The other night something did catch my . . . → Gehiago irakurri: An Uphill Battle

ren izenean…


Ez dago gaizki ezarritako erlijioarekin…

You can read all about his story from the NY Times. Uste dut tratu txarren eskandalu honen gauzarik beldurgarriena (eskandaluakssss) da elizak benetan uste duela hori satanasen lana dela – ez gizaki indibidualen adimen bihurrituak. Bai, “the Devil is at work . . . → Gehiago irakurri: ren izenean…

Medikuak kanpoan daude.

Telesaioaren emisio labur bat ikusi nuen “Medikuak“, gaurko atalak izenburua zuen “Alde batera utzi ezin dituzun larrialdi medikoak”. Gehienetan osasun mediko baieztapen positiboak erregurtatzen dituzte. Buruz borobil ere egiten dute “osasuntsu” janariak eta zuretzako onak diren gauzak eta “arriskuak” Etxeko ohiko bakterio/produktu kimiko mota guztietakoak eta . . . → Gehiago irakurri: Medikuak kanpoan daude.

Sunday night rant: the way things should work.

I came across this article today and it put a smile on my face. A traveling malaria researcher came across anelectronic mosquito repellerfor sale in his in-flight catalog. Being an intelligent man, he realized this was total and utter BS. He also realized this product probably sells best while in-route to malaria ridden . . . → Gehiago irakurri: Sunday night rant: the way things should work.