Alle New, Attack møl!

Det ser ud som om der er en overvægt af urbane legender, der involverer insekter gennemsøgning i vores ansigter, mens vi sover. Den mest berømte myte er noget i retning af “du spiser 8 edderkopper et år, mens sovende“. Faktisk når du google at antallet varierer fra 4 til 8… op til . . . → Læs mere: Alle New, Attack møl!

Meningsløst nyheder, denne gang fra natur

Fresh off the desk of the Nature News is a feature pondering a world without mosquitos (or -toes). How is this news? Perhaps there is some new vector control we all need to hear about! Godt, check out the article from the latest edition of Nature titledA World Without Mosquitoes“. I originally came . . . → Læs mere: Meningsløst nyheder, denne gang fra natur

Medicinsk Forskning til Science Fair


I am really at a loss for understanding yet another positive acupuncture study that was as well designed as my 8th grade science fair project. Indrømmet, I was a nerdy science kid, but I could do a better job drunk. I think I should conduct a followup study in which I test the . . . → Læs mere: Medicinsk Forskning til Science Fair

NY Times FAIL – Akupunktur

Today I found this article in NY times health – udråber fordelene ved akupunktur anvendes til depression lindring hos gravide kvinder. Jeg har et par problemer med journalisten, Shirley S. Wang, undlade at forblive skeptisk i hendes stykke. Men det kommer ikke som nogen overraskelse, so I won’t bother to point out obvious flaws . . . → Læs mere: NY Times FAIL – Akupunktur