Protejați de cercetare la Muzeul Field of Natural History

Este posibil să fi auzit deja vestea șocantă în ceea ce privește schimbările iminente de la Muzeul Field de Istorie Naturală din Chicago. Pe scurt, muzeul este în criză financiară și schimbări masive vor fi puse în aplicare de către noul președinte, Richard Lariviere. Este probabil că până la jumătate din personalul de cercetare . . . → Citeste mai mult: Protejați de cercetare la Muzeul Field of Natural History

Bine ati venit la noua locație!

Bine ați venit la noua casa a sceptic Molia! Știu actualizarea blogroll nu este tot ceea ce distractiv, dar vă mulțumesc pentru lipirea cu mine. Si din moment ce este luni – here is an Automeris io (saturniidae) din sudul Illinois, Mai 2012.


Noroc și An Nou fericit!

. . . → Citeste mai mult: Bine ati venit la noua locație!

Întoarcerea moliei

În vara aceea sigur a zburat de, și trebuie să recunosc că a fi șomer într-adevăr, really turned my productivity into crap. But the good news is that I’ve just relocated to Denver for a job in entomology at the Denver Museum of Nature and Science! I’ll be working on databasing and photographing insects for the Southwest . . . → Citeste mai mult: Întoarcerea moliei

Prairie pe un Cold Spring Morning

On a brisk 37 degree morning in Northern Illinois I decided to dust off my camera and explore the progress ofspring”. I hit Rollins Savanna Forest Preserve by 6:30La, just in time for first light to melt the patchy frost. A week and a half ago temps were pushing the upper 80’s and summer . . . → Citeste mai mult: Prairie pe un Cold Spring Morning

Back to Blogging!

As I’m sure you’ve noticed things have been awfully quiet around here for the last two months. Most of January I was busy with a move, from San Francisco to Chicago. Unfortunately the foundation that was supporting my work at the California Academy of Sciences had some tough financial calls to make and my position . . . → Citeste mai mult: Back to Blogging!

Vot pentru Conservarea Shark!

Fellow network blogger David Shiffman is in the final laps of a $10,000 Bursa provocare. The money will not only support David’s blogging at Southern Fried Science, dar cercetarea conservării rechin (inclusiv un concurs pentru a numi rechin va eticheta cu fonduri). Take a moment and vote for him, o dată la fiecare 24 oră! . . . → Citeste mai mult: Vot pentru Conservarea Shark!

Frog Surprise

Over on Arthropoda, fellow SFS blogger Michael Bok shared an image of his field buddy, Plugg the green tree frog. My first thought was of a similar tree frog that haunted welcomed me everywhere I went in Santa Rosa National Park, Costa Rica. Needless to say, Costa Rica instills a sudden habit of double checking . . . → Citeste mai mult: Frog Surprise

Arizona followup

Map/% updated June 20, 6p.m.

Updates to the maps and containment percentages have been made to my earlier post. Here is a map of the 4th fire burning in SE Arizona, the Monument fire. This one is only 10% 17% 15% 27% contained and is burning in the southern end of the Huachuca Mountains . . . → Citeste mai mult: Arizona followup

Growing Pains

Sorry for the weird downtime over the last two daysthe Southern Fried Network has been experiencing wonderful growth that has severely taxed our servers. This high traffic happened to correspond with a move of our physical servers the host was undertaking. The result was corrupted files that ended with our account placed on . . . → Citeste mai mult: Growing Pains

The Bison of Catalina

Perhaps the only place in the world where you can find an American bison (vs. buffalo) standing near a beach next to a palm tree. The week on Santa Catalina was an wonderful one, and despite a cool spring with a few unseasonable frosts, some decent collecting was done. Here are just . . . → Citeste mai mult: The Bison of Catalina