악취 벌레 악취

CNN은 이제 FOX와 같은 과학 자금 지원의 악대에 뛰어 들었습니다.. 기자 에린 버넷 “보고서” 연방 기금에 대해 $5.7 침습적인 브라운 마모레이티드 노린재(Brown Marmorated Stink Bug) 퇴치를 돕기 위해 백만 달러 (Halyomorpha halys). Burnett의 풍자는 거의 SNL 수준의 우스꽝 스러움을 깨뜨릴만큼 두껍습니다., but she seems genuine in her distain for this story. It’s clear that in her mind the $5.7mil has been wasted on methods to keep these bugs away from overly sensitive suburbanites and out of your hair. A quick Google search for this insect yields a very informative page from PennState as result #1, and it even has great images of the damage these bugs can cause to crops. Back in reality, it is not surprising that the government would fund research on a potentially critical new invasive species, one that has already proven to be highly destructive to some of our nations most important (및 수익성) crops.


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