Мољац је искључен на Цаталина

[цетсЕмбедГмап срц = хттп://мапс.гоогле.цом/мапс?лл = 33.393039, -118,416824&СПН = 0.359452,0.715485&Т = х&З = 11 видтх = 600 хеигхт = 330 маргинвидтх = 0 маргинхеигхт = 0 фрамебордер = 0 сцроллинг = Ауто]

Сутра ујутро сам искључен због 10 day collecting trip down to Catalina Island. Био сам довољно среће да буде позвана да се придружи Др. Јерри Пауел на Берклију на мољац анкете, и то ће бити мој први пут да се неки од острва. The Channel Islands are known for their high levels of endemism, and none is more famous than the Channel Island Fox. There are also a handful of endemic butterflies and moths that I’ll be hoping to find, but at the very least I know it’s wildflower season and I’ve got my camera primed.

I will likely have little or no access to the internet while staying on the island, so hang tight for a week. Had I planned ahead I would have scheduled posts or a guest author! Please do stay tuned for some of my first images of the 2011 field season.



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