Природа битес назад

Изгледа something in the Mazda 6 fuel line is warm and inviting for the yellow sac spider, Довољно да се граде преко ребара Вент системима 4 цилиндер возила (а не 6!). Проблем је сматра “Спидер зараза” колима компаније стране, and the clogged vent lines then can lead to a cracked gas tank and the possibility of a fire.

A certain type of spider may weave a web in the evaporative canister vent line and this may cause a restriction of the line

So far only 20 cases are confirmed, but this problem is prolific enough that it has lead to a recall of over 52,000 sedans! I think it’s high time the major car companies hire entomology consultantsafter all, my retainer would be a lot less than the cost of that recall

I consulted with our resident team of arachnologists here at the ЦАС, and the above image does appear to be a sac spider. It’s too hard to tell from the image, but it’s probably not an egregious taxonomic failure.

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