Sunday night rant: the way things should work.

I came across this article today and it put a smile on my face. A traveling malaria researcher came across anelectronic mosquito repellerfor sale in his in-flight catalog. Being an intelligent man, he realized this was total and utter BS. He also realized this product probably sells best while in-route to malaria ridden . . . → Gehiago irakurri: Sunday night rant: the way things should work.

Orrialde berria!

Begiratu gainetik, Orri berri bat sortu dut teknikak. Ever harritzekoa zerbait nola egiten den? Galdetu nola eta egingo ilustratuko dut.

Asteko tximeleta ergela

Ezagutu tximeleta hau? Ondo da, inork ez du benetan egiten. Apodemia generokoa da (Riodinidae), baina talde honen taxonomia hondamendia da… eta ez nazazu azpiespeziean hasi ere egin. Ale hau irailean atera zen argazkia, hau da, litekeena da Apodemia mormo izatea (mormoa) based . . . → Gehiago irakurri: Asteko tximeleta ergela


One of the perks of being an entomologist is traveling and collecting. I put a few thousand miles on the car every summer and these are two of the best places in Arizona to collect. The top image is from the Baboquivari Mountains (Baboquivari Peak in the middle), Brown Canyon Research Station. . . . → Gehiago irakurri: Arloan

Time-lapse tximeletak

Nahiko tximeletak desinteresatu izan arren, Nahiko begiratzen dira. Hona hemen bideo benetan handia tipo bat behera ezagutzen dut Hegoaldeko CA hasi da. Bere time-lapse Lepidoptero bizitza zikloen bideoak nahiko ikusgarriak dira, eta da zehazki hura eder. Moztu baduzu buruz 3:00 urtean, you will see dozens . . . → Gehiago irakurri: Time-lapse tximeletak

Triste, baina egia

The brief comment about Linus Pauling and Vitamin C below made me remember this video first posted a while ago by Pharyngula. Hau da, Kary Mullis, PCR asmatzaile, eta Nobel saridun bat. Bere asmakuntza funtsean egindako DNA analisi posible. Baina Pauling bezala, ere bada guztiz eta erabat intxaurrak. If you have . . . → Gehiago irakurri: Triste, baina egia

OK tximeleta pertsona, nor naiz?

Hau nire irudi zaharra da, beraz, ez da perfektua. Espezieei tximeleta hau esaten badidazu, bost bat lortuko duzu. Azpiespeziea ezagutzen baduzu, pakete berri bat bidaliko dizut #3 altzairu herdoilgaitzezko pinak! Iradokizun bakarra: AEB mendebaldekoa da.

. . . → Gehiago irakurri: OK tximeleta pertsona, nor naiz?

NY Times FAIL – Akupuntura

Today I found this article in NY times healthtouting the benefits of acupuncture used for depression relief in pregnant women. I have a few problems with the journalist, Shirley S. Wang, failing to remain skeptical in her piece. But this comes as no surprise, so I won’t bother to point out obvious flaws . . . → Gehiago irakurri: NY Times FAIL – Akupuntura

Ming-en mitoa

I love Ming Tsai and his cooking empire as much as the next 3-am TV viewer. Benetan, his recipes are fantastic and you should make them yourself. But I have noticed an odd tendency for him to say (paraphrased) “you should always use organic, it’s much better for you”. This leaves me a bit puzzled. . . . → Gehiago irakurri: Ming-en mitoa

Keeping things skeptical


I really enjoy this autotuned Sagan, makes me with I was this eloquent. Watch more videos here at the Symphony of Science.