Jesus, aisle 4

What would Jesus do if he had some free timemaybe cure a disease, end a war, or feed the starvingbut nah, everyone sees that coming. Why not shock them to the coreburn your face on a Walmart receipt! Vismaz, that’s what a couple in South Carolina believe to . . . → Lasīt vairāk: Jesus, aisle 4

Pārbaudiet savu horoskopu šodien?

ES izdarīju, un izklausās, ka to būtu rakstījusi Sāra Peilina. Faktiski, Es saskāros ar šo meta analīzi vairāk 22,000 horoscopes over on Information is Beautiful. Tas ir iespaidīgi – bet es šeit atrunāšu dažus punktus:

No šiem 22,000 horoskopi nāca diagramma ar visbiežāk sastopamajiem vārdiem (apakšā), 90% no kuriem . . . → Lasīt vairāk: Pārbaudiet savu horoskopu šodien?

Call me skeptical

I came across this interesting device and had an instant gut reaction.. “Of course a stupid water bulb doesn’t repel flies, this is a scam!”…

deep breath

OK that is terrible skepticism. Faktiski, it’s cynical and it’s just what skeptics hate being called. It’s also something that happens much too easily . . . → Lasīt vairāk: Call me skeptical

Ekstrasensi atkal streiko!

Bēdīgs stāsts tikko ir nonācis no Belizas – Amerikas krokodilu izglītības rezervāts ir nodedzis līdz pamatiem. No pirmā acu uzmetiena tas bija tikai neveiksmīgs ziņojums par pētniecības un saglabāšanas objektu, kas tika zaudēts traģiskā ugunsgrēkā. Tas, tomēr, nav viss stāsts. Tas pagriežas . . . → Lasīt vairāk: Ekstrasensi atkal streiko!

Kalnu kauja

If there is one thing that I learned in college, it was how to easily distract myself. I tend to keep my TV on in the background while I’m working on my computer, especially late at night when I am usually fighting a winning war against sleep. The other night something did catch my . . . → Lasīt vairāk: Kalnu kauja

In the name of the


Nothing wrong with established religion

You can read all about his story from the NY Times. I think the scariest thing about this whole abuse scandal (scandalsssss) is that the church actually believes that this is the work of satannot the twisted minds of individual humans. Jā, “the Devil is at work . . . → Lasīt vairāk: In the name of the

Ārsti ir out.

Es noķēru īsu TV pārraides pārraidi “Ārsti“, šodienas epizodei bija nosaukums “Ārkārtas medicīniskās palīdzības gadījumi, kurus nevar ignorēt”. Lielākoties viņi atgrūž pozitīvus medicīniskās veselības apstiprinājumus. Viņi arī pļāpā par “vesels” pārtikas produkti un lietas, kas ir noderīgas jums un “briesmas” of all kinds of common household bacteria/chemicals and . . . → Lasīt vairāk: Ārsti ir out.

Sunday night rant: the way things should work.

I came across this article today and it put a smile on my face. A traveling malaria researcher came across anelectronic mosquito repellerfor sale in his in-flight catalog. Being an intelligent man, he realized this was total and utter BS. He also realized this product probably sells best while in-route to malaria ridden . . . → Lasīt vairāk: Sunday night rant: the way things should work.