Entomofagia: mariposas para a cea

Sempre o souben en moitos lugares do mundo, especialmente fóra dos camiños batidos, eirugas de avelaíñas e bolboretas están no menú. From Africa to Australia there are dozens of species that might taste good enough to be reasonably edible or even delicious. But here in the US insects rarely if . . . → Ler máis: Entomofagia: mariposas para a cea

Compra o novo tónico curativo de Chris!

Ben, I bet if I was selling something it would show up pretty damn low on this chart. Below you can see different alternative remedies ranked in accordance to their scientific efficacy. Follow the link for a more comprehensive explanation of the ratings, but the remedies are ranked based on each claimgreen tea . . . → Ler máis: Compra o novo tónico curativo de Chris!

Mito de Ming

Eu amo Ming Tsai eo seu imperio de cociña, tanto como o próximo espectador 3-am. En realidade, seus ingresos son fantásticas e ten que lles facer só. But I have noticed an odd tendency for him to say (parafraseando) “you should always use organic, it’s much better for you”. This leaves me a bit puzzled. . . . → Ler máis: Mito de Ming