Kamla Portraiture

Mhux kamla mhux komuni, iżda distinti tfittex waħda. Dan huwa Ilia Catocala (Erebidae) ((li qabel kienet Noctuidae)), u feeds fuq numru żgħir ta 'Oaks. Daħal fis-dawl tiegħi matul il-weekend fil Southern Illinois, fid-Trail ta Dmugħ Stat Foresti. Bħal tant moths oħra din l-ispeċi mifrux għandu numru . . . → Aqra Aktar: Kamla Portraiture

It-tnejn Moth

Back to the Monday Moth! This beautiful insect is Stiria dyari (Noctuidae) collected on a February trip outside of Cataviña, Baja California Mexico. I believe the host plants are still unknown, but all of the moths in the genus Stiria have these brilliant yellow forewings that help camouflage them on the stem . . . → Aqra Aktar: It-tnejn Moth