
珍しい蛾ではない, しかし、見栄えのするもの. This is Catocala ilia (Erebidae) ((以前はヤガ科)), そしてそれは一握りのオークスを食べます. それは南イリノイで週末に私の光になりました, 涙の道州立森林公園. As with so many other moths this widespread species has a number . . . → 続きを読む: 蛾肖像


Back to the Monday Moth! This beautiful insect is Stiria dyari (ヤガ科) collected on a February trip outside of Cataviña, Baja California Mexico. I believe the host plants are still unknown, but all of the moths in the genus Stiria have these brilliant yellow forewings that help camouflage them on the stem . . . → 続きを読む: 月曜日蛾