Sad but true

The brief comment about Linus Pauling and Vitamin C below made me remember this video first posted a while ago by Pharyngula. This is Kary Mullis, the inventor of PCR, and a Nobel Prize winner. His invention basically made DNA analysis possible. But like Pauling, he is also completely and totally nuts. If you have . . . → Lege plus: Sad but true

Ming scriptor Fabula

Amo coquere et imperium quantum Tsai Ming sequenti III-am TV inspectoris. Lorem ipsum, et de suis facerent tibi fantastic. Sed perceptum impar tendentiam ad dicendam (exponitur,) “uti semper organica, multo melius est pro vobis,”. Hoc relinquit movet me a frenum. . . . → Lege plus: Ming scriptor Fabula