A ghost is born

Welcome to the new year, and nearly a full year of blogging! It’s amazing how fast the time flew by, but again it always does. As you likely noticed December turned out to be my weakest posting month with a whopping 2 posts. Resolution: more posting!

Now I haven’t started blogging about music (for those . . . → Aqra Aktar: A ghost is born

Bijoloġija ta 'Ghost

Din il-kamla hija rari daqs l-isem paranormali tagħha (ħlief li huwa reali) – huwa Gazoryctra sp. fil-familja Hepialidae. Dawn jirrappreżentaw nisel bażali tal-Lepidoptera u huma komunement magħrufa bħala ghost moths jew swift moths. Ghost – because males of some species are known to fly in . . . → Aqra Aktar: Bijoloġija ta 'Ghost

Just wisq Easy

Naturalment, li kien imsemmi drewsii phallus. Dan jaqa jiffurmaw il-lista tal-quċċata 10 speċi msemmija fl 2009, mħarsa minn Arizona State University (mhux lista tajba ħafna jekk 7 ta 'speċijiet ġodda tiegħi ma kinux fuq hemmhekk…). Filwaqt I tendenza li jevitaw botanija phallic u O'Keeffesque, dan wieħed I ma setgħetx tirreżisti għaliex . . . → Aqra Aktar: Just wisq Easy

Tassonomija Fail

Recently came across some ridiculously horrible taxonomy from China (.pdf). If you scroll down a bit you can see the english translation. At first glance this looks like a standard taxonomy paper with bare-bones species descriptions. You might even think to yourself, “huh, wonder why they are describing species from only one specimen”. Not the . . . → Aqra Aktar: Tassonomija Fail

I jista 'jsuq wisq

Is-sħab infaqqa’ llum wara nofsinhar f’San Francisco u x-xemx bdiet tiddi. It-temp sħun li ġej wassal għal sensazzjoni familjari wisq, waħda li għandi nkun barra niġbor l-insetti u mhux bilqiegħda ġewwa! Filwaqt li diġà kont f'numru żgħir ta 'postijiet din ir-rebbiegħa, I have a long season of collecting . . . → Aqra Aktar: I jista 'jsuq wisq


Another amazing animal from Hawaiia completely amphibious caterpillar (published in the March 22 PNAS). While there are a few aquatic Lepidoptera, all of them have gills that keep them restricted to the water (mind you, we are talking only about the larval stage). If their stream dries up, so does the caterpillar. . . . → Aqra Aktar: Aquamoth!

Post inawgurali

Allura, how do I begin a new blog? Tough question, but perhaps this is a good time to show off a fun new species. This moth was collected last year outside of Santa Barbara, CA. The massive wingspan, at 15mm, makes it pretty large for a Gelechiid moth. The genus, Gnorimoschema (pronounced nor-a-mosh-ma), . . . → Aqra Aktar: Post inawgurali