I jista 'jsuq wisq

Is-sħab infaqqa’ llum wara nofsinhar f’San Francisco u x-xemx bdiet tiddi. It-temp sħun li ġej wassal għal sensazzjoni familjari wisq, waħda li għandi nkun barra niġbor l-insetti u mhux bilqiegħda ġewwa! Filwaqt li diġà kont f'numru żgħir ta 'postijiet din ir-rebbiegħa, Għandi staġun twil ta 'ġbir quddiem. Inħares 'il quddiem ma stajtx ma nirriflettix fuq l-aħħar sentejn spettakolari li tani l-punent. Biex nispjega l-vizzju tiegħi, hawnhekk hija sottotitlu tal-punti tiegħi tal-GPS tal-Google Earth.

Kull bandiera tirrappreżenta avveniment ta' ġbir separat (injora l-labar isfar), bejn waqgħa 2007 u xitwa 2009. Jien ma żammejtx kont tal-mili għal vjaġġi dedikati għall-ġbir (forsi biex tevita xokk), imma trid tkun toqrob 30,000. Il-Honda Accord tiegħi tista' ma tkunx vettura tipika tal-post, iżda jagħmel id-distanza sostanzjalment aktar affordabbli. Naturalment iż-żewġ tajers ċatti u l-windskrin maqsum ma jgħinux. Tista 'faċilment tgħid li jien għext fin-Nofsinhar ta' Kalifornja b'dik il-blob ġgant ta 'bnadar. Ħafna minn dawk huma ffukati fil-kontea ta 'Santa Barbara, li taw żewġ speċi ġodda u għexieren ta’ rekords tal-kontea. Arizona tiġi t-tieni b’żewġ 10 vjaġġi ta’ ġurnata b’kull lejl f’post differenti. Imbagħad inħelset mil-Lbiċ is-sajf li għadda u saq linja twila minn ġol-punent tan-nofs tul ġimgħatejn u nofs. I miġbud fil madwar 4,000 lepidoptera u għadhom kemm bdew jagħtu l-aħħar irtokki fuq l-aħħar mill-kampjuni. s'issa, speċi waħda ġdida biss – kampjun uniku ta 'Acrolophidae żgħir mill-Punent ta' Texas (determinat minn Peter Jump li qed jikteb il-faxxiklu MONA fuq il-grupp). Fadal ħafna biex xorta ID.

Fuq il-bord għal din is-sena: Vjaġġ lejn Leavenworth, Washington għall- 2010 Lepidopterists’ Laqgħa tas-soċjetà. Il-vjaġġ ta 'ġbir ta' ġimgħatejn se jispara lejn it-tramuntana lejn Washington imbagħad loop lejn il-lvant permezz ta 'Idaho, Utah u Nevada fit-triq tad-dar. Imma bħal dejjem, Arizona u l-Messiku qed jixprunaw. U issa li ngħix f'Berkeley se jkolli nidħol fis-Sierra għal ftit drabi oħra din is-sena!

5 comments to I may drive too much

  • Cool maphow’d you make it?

    I’ve got a hard map on the wall in my study with a red glasshead pin at each collecting locality I’ve visited since 1982 (yep, I’m that old!). No question the west and Mexico are where it’s at, but in recent years I’ve become quite enamored with the Great Plainsthe whole place seems to have been sort of unfairly ignored.

  • I connect my GPS to Google Earth, which allows me to download the waypoints and tracks. The end product is incidental, but it’s really wonderful to have all of your collecting points mapped automatically! I can also go backwards from my database, with a click of a button it creates a google earth map of the distribution of my specimens.

    • Well hecksounds like I need to get a better GPS, since mine has no download capabilities.

      BTW, I’m really liking your blog. There are lots of insect bloggers out there, but not that many who really know what they’re talking about. (And I just noticed the linkbackthanks.)

  • I suppose you could achieve the same goal by manually entering your waypoints and placing a pin on google earth. A bit slower though when you collect as much as me (I assume you do!).

    Grazzi tal-kummenti, I’m really enjoying this medium, wish I had started a while ago! Naqbel, there are very few good entomology blogs, but yours is one of the best.

  • You should make a trip to central NYour woods are packed with moths. In fact, the porch light has been flooded with moths, I should take some pics and make you ID them 😉

    Im going to have to steal (er, I mean imitate) your photography set up for the lab. I had to take some photos of teeny-tiny hymenopteran parasitoids for a Canadian collaborator last week and the pics turned out hideous 🙁
    I ended up just sending him the specimens, which then involved a whole new set of headaches with customs.