Senin Moth

Minggu ini saya berbagi sedikit, berantakan, and semi-competently spread Nepticulidae in the genus Stigmella from the same light trap of Prescott Arizona as the past few Monday Moths. Saya biasanya tidak akan membagikan foto ngengat yang tidak dalam kondisi terbaik, but I’m using this as an example of . . . → Baca selengkapnya: Senin Moth

Ngengat terkecil

The family Nepticulidae hold some of the smallest moths known, ranging from 3-8mm wing-tip to wing-tip. For a comparison I have imaged two moths above: the largest knownCoscinocera hercules that tips the scales at nearly 9 inci, and one of the smallest (yes that tiny little speck . . . → Baca selengkapnya: Ngengat terkecil