Nationale Moth Woche 2013!

The time is fast approaching for this years National Moth Week, Juli 20-28 2013! Die erste Woche Moth vergangenen Jahr war ein großer Erfolg mit über 300 Ereignisse aus 49 US-Staaten und 30 Länder! Helfen Sie in diesem Jahr noch größer – if you’re interested in moths at all you should find a local . . . → Weiterlesen: Nationale Moth Woche 2013!

Nationale Moth Woche 2012

The first annual National Moth Week will be this summer, Juli 23-29, 2012! This is the first event of its kind in the US (it has been popular in the UK for quite some time) and is an attempt to encourage people to head outside and explore their often overlooked moth fauna. The US has . . . → Weiterlesen: Nationale Moth Woche 2012