Мотхман посетио Марс

Волим копање кроз Абиссал јаму интернета луда, јер сам се да пронађе драгуље као што је овај: Мотхман на Марсу? Линкед у чланку "’ НАСА је радозналост Ровер ФОТО, Мастцам Право. СОЛ 194. Фотографија снимљена на 21 Фебруар 2013. Рок они говоре о као “Мотхман” is in the upper left . . . → Прочитајте више: Мотхман посетио Марс

Исусе, пролаз 4

What would Jesus do if he had some free timemaybe cure a disease, end a war, or feed the starvingbut nah, everyone sees that coming. Why not shock them to the coreburn your face on a Walmart receipt! Барем, that’s what a couple in South Carolina believe to . . . → Прочитајте више: Исусе, пролаз 4

Алл Нев, Аттацк Мотхс!

Чини се као да је надмоћ урбаних легенди које укључују инсекти пузе на нашим лицима док спавамо. Најпознатији мит је нешто на линији “једете 8 спидерс годишње, док спава“. Заправо кад гоогле да се број креће од 4 то 8… све до . . . → Прочитајте више: Алл Нев, Аттацк Мотхс!

Проверите свој хороскоп данас?

I did, and it sounds like it was written by Sarah Palin. Заправо, I came across this meta analysis of over 22,000 horoscopes over on Information is Beautiful. It’s spectacularbut I’ll run down a few points here:

From these 22,000 horoscopes came a chart of the most common words (bottom), 90% of which . . . → Прочитајте више: Проверите свој хороскоп данас?

Leave it to the Mythbusters


Not too long ago I posted about the device abovea cool looking glass bulb which supposedly uses light to scare away flights. That claim hit my skeptical nerve, and I discussed it in my previous post. Over the past weeks I’ve been researching reasonable methods . . . → Прочитајте више: Leave it to the Mythbusters

(Гринтер) Ghost House

I’m back from the road with thousands of specimens, a little weary and ready to sit still for a bit. In all it was a wonderful tripbut I have lots and lots of processing to do. While I play catch-up, enjoy this clip. Колико ја знам, there is no direct relation. . . . → Прочитајте више: (Гринтер) Ghost House

An Uphill Battle

If there is one thing that I learned in college, it was how to easily distract myself. I tend to keep my TV on in the background while I’m working on my computer, especially late at night when I am usually fighting a winning war against sleep. The other night something did catch my . . . → Прочитајте више: An Uphill Battle

The genius of the press

Came across this article today care of Doug Yanega at UC Riverside, which spurred the search for further information. Who can tell me what thoseflowersactually are? 10 points to the first to guess correctlyor maybe some awesome prize?

Ming’s Myth

I love Ming Tsai and his cooking empire as much as the next 3-am TV viewer. Заправо, his recipes are fantastic and you should make them yourself. But I have noticed an odd tendency for him to say (paraphrased) “you should always use organic, it’s much better for you”. This leaves me a bit puzzled. . . . → Прочитајте више: Ming’s Myth