Vox Populi, volume II

And now for the even more infrequently reoccurring series, vox populi! For those without scarring high school memories of latin class (through no fault of my teacher) I’ll bring you up to speedthe title roughly translates tovoice of the people”. Here is another old e-mail that I’ve been saving. It is a . . . → Preberite več: Vox Populi, volume II

Vox Populi, Obseg I

Sem prišel čez nekaj e-poštnih prepisov vprašanj, poslanih v naš entomologijo službi in ne morem se upreti jih delijo. Obljubim, da ta sporočila so (in bo) 100% real in neobdelana. Imena so spremenjena ali odstranjena zaščititi nedolžne. Upajmo, da, Bom prišel čez to vsak enkrat v nekaj časa, in . . . → Preberite več: Vox Populi, Obseg I