Quam ad sexum a tinea

Hoc Tuesday scriptor Tinea pro me putavi fore brevi Nullam in iaculis quam ad accurate determinare sexus tinea. Dum illic es lots of exempla sexually species dimorphic (ubi feminas et mares non sint plane dissimilis), neque tinea ingens plures. Saturniidae make our lives easy by having strikingly different antennae between . . . → Lege plus: Quam ad sexum a tinea

Lune Moth

Ut alia de location unidentified Gelechiidae quod prior ex eodem specimine (nihil. Prescott Arizona). I’m taking a stab at this moth being in the genus Chionodesand it is superficially similar to the species C. continue. Gratanter est in Monograph huius coetus (Noctuinae Americae Septentrionalis a Mexico, fasciculus 7.6) . . . → Lege plus: Lune Moth

The world of bug magno enormem sex

Micronecta scholtzi

The hills of the European countryside are alive in the chorus of amorous, screaming, male aquatic bugs. The little insect above, Micronecta scholtzi (Corixidae), measures in at a whopping 2.3mm and yet produces a clicking/buzzing sound easily audible to the human ear above the water surface. To put that in . . . → Lege plus: The world of bug magno enormem sex