Poniedziałek Moth

Schinia villosa


This Monday’s moth is a duo of Schinia villosa (Noctuidae) resting on what I am assuming is their host plant (Erigeron sp.). I snapped this shot around 9,000 feet up on the Kaibab plateau in Northern Arizona last month. A fire must have burned the area a few years ago . . . → Czytaj więcej: Poniedziałek Moth

Geniusz prasy XX

This GOP is less of a challenge and more of a simple roundup of miserable stock photography. Alex Wild and others have long ago pointed out the massive failings of many stock photo sitesbut here is a brief and painful lep roundup using Google.

Step 1: Image searchmoth on flower”.

Step 2: . . . → Czytaj więcej: Geniusz prasy XX

Poniedziałek Moth

Ups!, it’s almost Tuesday! Above is Schinia ligeae (Noctuidae) resting on its host plant Xylorhiza tortifolia, the Mojave Aster. I photographed this about three weeks ago outside the town of Big Pine, California. The asters were thick in the valleys below the snow capped Sierra, and the moths were abundant. . . . → Czytaj więcej: Poniedziałek Moth

The Art of a Goose Chase

For the last four weekends now I have been on a goose chase, for one moth, Heliolonche celeris. It’s a beautiful small Noctuidae with pinkish forewings and stunning orange-red hindwings. It isn’t very often encountered and only found along the northern California mountain ranges feeding on Malacothrix flocciferaa CA endemic flower. Every trip . . . → Czytaj więcej: The Art of a Goose Chase

Rivers of Gold

Kilka zdjęć z mojego weekendu mothing podróż w dół do Shell Creek, San Luis Obispo County. Wczesna wiosna wzdłuż środkowego wybrzeża jest oszałamiający, i drogi z powrotem obserwatorów były pełne kwiatów. Były dziesiątki samochodów zajmowane przez rodziny na przejażdżkę w weekend, many had packed lunches and sat to watch the . . . → Czytaj więcej: Rivers of Gold