Genius dari XXII Pers

Kembali dari hiatus dan kembali ke Genius dari seri serangga-news-kegagalan Tekan! Fresh off the presses from last year, Departemen Lingkungan, Food and Rural Affairs in the UK was shut down for a massive infestation of clothes moths. The picture shown here from “Bangsa” story is a far cry from a . . . → Baca selengkapnya: Genius dari XXII Pers

Voting untuk Konservasi Shark!

Fellow network blogger David Shiffman is in the final laps of a $10,000 beasiswa tantangan. The money will not only support David’s blogging at Southern Fried Science, tetapi penelitian konservasi hiu (termasuk kontes untuk nama hiu ia akan menandai dengan dana). Take a moment and vote for him, sekali setiap 24 jam! . . . → Baca selengkapnya: Voting untuk Konservasi Shark!

Genius Pers XXI

Ini adalah epik yang cukup gagal. Saya kira “dewasa muda” pedoman penerbitan kurang ketat dengan “Fakta”.




Terima kasih kepada Richard Lee Brown untuk pertama posting ini di Facebook.

Jenius Pers XX

GOP ini tidak terlalu menantang dan lebih merupakan kumpulan fotografi stok yang menyedihkan. Alex Wild dan yang lainnya telah lama menunjukkan kegagalan besar dari banyak situs stok foto – tapi ini adalah ringkasan lep yang singkat dan menyakitkan menggunakan Google.

Melangkah 1: Pencarian gambar “ngengat di bunga”.

Melangkah 2: . . . → Baca selengkapnya: Jenius Pers XX

Senin Moth

MENJAWAB: Ini tidak mudah – tapi ngengat besar dan cantik ini berasal dari Australia dan termasuk dalam famili Xyloryctidae (Philarista sp.). We have a handful of representatives of this group here in the US and Ted MacRae over on Beetles in the Bush has a few great photographs of them. Somehow I think we . . . → Baca selengkapnya: Senin Moth

Genius Pers XIX

Sudah beberapa saat sejak tantangan GOP lalu, tapi ini adalah softball. Aku berharap mereka terlalu malas untuk menemukan gambar yang lebih cocok…



Genius Pers XVIII


Who can tell me what’s wrong below? Not only is it the obvious photo problem, but the author of the article takes some logical leaps to support his premise. Who can tell me what his logical fallacies are? I won’t link to the entire article quite yet because a well known Lepidopterist has already . . . → Baca selengkapnya: Genius Pers XVIII

Mystery Revelaed

Oke – a few apologies for not having full images *yet* of the larvae in question (I will in a few days!). Over the weekend I was out with a group of Berkeley students on Mount Hamilton and PhD candidate Meghan Culpepper collected a few species of Scaphinotus and a some larvae! So the specimen . . . → Baca selengkapnya: Mystery Revelaed

Monday mystery


Came across this guy while out in the field the other day, what’s going on here? Points awarded for Order/Family/Genusbut even experts in this group can’t figure out the species quite yet.


(everyone in the field with me should hold . . . → Baca selengkapnya: Monday mystery

Jenius Pers XVII

Usually I come across horrible entomology articles regularly enough that I save a backlog for future series. This hasn’t been the case over the last few weeks, I haven’t come across the normal array of terrible media crud. Maybe I just get jaded and stop looking as carefullybut this week I even came . . . → Baca selengkapnya: Jenius Pers XVII