A ħanfusa minn żmien interessanti

Kif kien ritratti u databsing l Cicindelinae mill-kollezzjonijiet tal-Mużew Denver tan-Natura & Xjenza I sab dan kampjun miġbura fuq il Ġunju 10 1921, Chicago Illinois. Il-ħanfusa hija Cicindela hirticollis hirticollis (jista 'jkun ssp rhodensis immarkat b'mod kuraġġuż peress li jintergradaw faċilment tul il-konfini tagħhom) u huwa wieħed . . . → Aqra Aktar: A ħanfusa minn żmien interessanti

Sexy, Fliexken Birra Sexy

Il 2011 Iċ-ċerimonja tal-Ig Nobel saret ilbieraħ fit-Teatru Sanders ta’ Harvard. Il-premju huwa sponsorjat mill-Riċerka improbabbli, organizzazzjoni li tiġbor affaxxinanti, fard, u dokumenti ta 'riċerka outright hilarious li trijonf l-idea li mhux kollha tax-xjenza huwa boring. Fost ir-riċevituri distinti ta’ din is-sena kien hemm sieħbu entomologist u blogger David Rentz, li rċieva l- . . . → Aqra Aktar: Sexy, Fliexken Birra Sexy

Ħanfusa bil-Ġwienaħ

These large and interesting Lycidae beetles (Lycus fernandezi) were abundant in south eastern Arizona a few weeks ago. Constantly flying between flowers and moist sand they were making for easy photography targets. I thought to myselfhere is a great opportunity to catch a beetle taking off!”.

Wait for it

Lycus fernandezi (Lycidae)

. . . → Aqra Aktar: Ħanfusa bil-Ġwienaħ

misteru Revelaed

kollox sew – a few apologies for not having full images *yet* of the larvae in question (I will in a few days!). Over the weekend I was out with a group of Berkeley students on Mount Hamilton and PhD candidate Meghan Culpepper collected a few species of Scaphinotus and a some larvae! So the specimen . . . → Aqra Aktar: misteru Revelaed