Sexý, Sexy Bjór Flaska

The 2011 Ig Nobel Athöfnin fór fram í gær í Harvard er Sanders Theatre. Verðlaunin eru styrkt af ósennilegur Research, stofnun sem safnar heillandi, stakur, og beina fyndið blöð rannsóknir sem Triumph þá hugmynd að ekki allir vísindi er leiðinlegt. Meðal virtum viðtakenda þessu ári var náungi entomologist og blogger David Rentz, sem fékk . . . → Lesa meira: Sexý, Sexy Bjór Flaska

The svífa Microcosmos

[youtube kZyIN23Cy4Y 480 360]

The smásjá skordýrum Heimurinn er mjög mismunandi eitt af okkar og við sjaldan eru gefin fagurt inn í það. Thanks in part to the impressive Phantom camera system and the Flight Artists project researchers have filmed the minute (1mm!) Trichogramma wasp (Chalcidoidea) á flugi. These insects are . . . → Lesa meira: The svífa Microcosmos

Mánudagur Moth


This week’s moth is a video of a dancing micro from the Philippines (taken by Warren Laurde). As you might suspect this is a mating display that ends in a pretty spectacular headstand. There are lots of other microleps that have dancing or display behavior, but there are almost no other videos online . . . → Lesa meira: Mánudagur Moth

Líffræði draugs

This moth is just about as rare as its paranormal namesake (except that it’s real) – it’s a Gazoryctra sp. in the family Hepialidae. They represent a basal lineage of the Lepidoptera and are commonly known as ghost moths or swift moths. Ghostbecause males of some species are known to fly in . . . → Lesa meira: Líffræði draugs