Sexy, Sexy Pivné fľaše

The 2011 Ig Nobel ceremony took place yesterday at Harvard’s Sanders Theatre. Cena je sponzorovaná nepravdepodobného výskumu, organizácie, ktorá zhromažďuje fascinujúce, nepárny, a otvorene veselý výskumných prác, ktoré triumfu myšlienku, že nie všetko veda je nuda. Among this year’s distinguished recipients was fellow entomologist and blogger David Rentz, who received the . . . → Čítajte viac: Sexy, Sexy Pivné fľaše

Net-Winged Beetle

These large and interesting Lycidae beetles (Lycus fernandezi) were abundant in south eastern Arizona a few weeks ago. Constantly flying between flowers and moist sand they were making for easy photography targets. I thought to myselfhere is a great opportunity to catch a beetle taking off!”.

Wait for it

Lycus fernandezi (Lycidae)

. . . → Čítajte viac: Net-Winged Beetle

Vezmite si, že, stavovce!

Poznám nejakú dobu, že chrobáky a iný invertuje občas majú stavovce o ich ponuke, ale ja som naozaj nevedel, ako veľký zviera, ktoré by mohlo podmaniť! Aj keď zvláštne mantisu chytí kolibrík veľkosť rozdiel nie je tak podstatná, ako je uvedené nižšie. Toto pôsobivé video bolo . . . → Čítajte viac: Vezmite si, že, stavovce!

Rezervácia Blue Oak Ranch

A few weeks ago I was invited to join a Berkeley entomology class out in the field for the weekend. Our destination was the Blue Oak Ranch Reserve; one of the newest reserves to the University of California system located just outside of San Jose on Mount Hamilton (map below). It was a . . . → Čítajte viac: Rezervácia Blue Oak Ranch

Záhada odhalená

OK – ospravedlňujeme sa za to, že *zatiaľ* nemáme úplné obrázky príslušných lariev (Budem o pár dní!). Cez víkend som bol so skupinou študentov z Berkeley na Mount Hamilton a doktorandka Meghan Culpepper nazbierala niekoľko druhov Scaphinotus a niekoľko lariev.! So the specimen . . . → Čítajte viac: Záhada odhalená

Muppet Monsters

natrafil som na (nie na stmbleupon) these colored SEM images on the Telegraph webpage today. Obzvlášť sa mi páči tento obrázok larvy Calliphoridae (Protophormia sp.) to vyzerá skôr ako zo sci-fi filmu s hodnotením C než z prírody. It reminds me of both a freakish Star Wars character and a Muppet at the same . . . → Čítajte viac: Muppet Monsters

Thankfully, I’m not a beetle

Because I would have been subjected to this. Talk about animal cruelty! OK, just kidding, but this story is a bit ridiculous. The article states that the scientists had used the voice of Limbaugh because it wasreadily available”, not because they hated him. Well that turns out not to be true, they chose Rush . . . → Čítajte viac: Thankfully, I’m not a beetle