UFO Doqqajs Matul Denver

Ħalli Denver li jgħaqqdu żewġ affarijiet perfetta għal dan il-blog – entomoloġija u xettiċiżmu! Jekk inti ma bbenefikawx dawn clips mbagħad jieħu t-tieni biex tara l-video ta 'hawn fuq. Għall-inqas dan jidher li jkun fenomenu reali, ekwipaġġi kamera mill-istazzjon aħbarijiet kienu kapaċi . . . → Aqra Aktar: UFO Doqqajs Matul Denver

Monsters Muppet

I stumbled upon (not on stumbleupon) these colored SEM images on the Telegraph webpage today. I especially love this image of a Calliphoridae larva (Protophormia sp.) that seems more out of a C-rated science fiction movie than nature. It reminds me of both a freakish Star Wars character and a Muppet at the same . . . → Aqra Aktar: Monsters Muppet