O Chris Grinter

I am an entomologist and collection manager at the California Academy of Sciences in San Francisco, CA. My particular interests are tiny moths and I’ve been fortunate to be a regular instructor at the Lepidoptera Course in SW Arizona. I have a passion for encouraging science education, critical thinking, and reason in every day life.  Too often I find myself cringing at the news; always due to a gross inaccuracy, either entomologically or scientifically based.  With so few entomology or skeptical blogs, I decided to get off my lazy butt.

I have also begun, roughly, to pick up some photography and hope to incorporate it more into this blog.  Please do not hesitate to offer constructive criticism of my photos, I probably need it.

If you were wondering about my banner photo, this is the moth Xanthothrix neumoegeni (Noctuidae).

Prav tako, upam, da bi morali vedeti, od kod izvira ideja za moj podnapis.  Če ne, udari se po glavi, in preberite več Carl Sagan.


Komentarji, izraženi na tej strani, so avtorjevi in ​​jih je treba brati kot njegovo osebno mnenje.

25 comments to About Chris Grinter

  • Hi Chris

    Uživam v tvojem blogu. Moje ime boste videli na mnogih mikro-jih v CAS, saj sem večino svojega življenja živel v SF, preden sem prišel v Avstralijo leta 1978. Vince te lahko izpolni! Z Donom MacNeillom in Jerryjem Powellom sem se v preteklih letih udeležil veliko izletov. Vaša fotografija Adele trigrapha je spodbudila k temu.

    Navedel bom vaš blog, ker jih je veliko “motologi” navzgor.

    Vso srečo na CAS. Delaš na najboljšem mestu na svetu v najboljšem mestu na svetu.

    Dave Rentz

  • TAKO hočeš kopijo:
    Rubinoff D., Schmitz P., Več vodnih invazij endemitov, zemeljski, Sevanje havajske moljce. marec PNAS 2010.

    Lahko si ogledate samo povzetek. Najlepša hvala za vaše spletno mesto. Zelo uživam. =)

  • Pravzaprav sem mislil, da je tvoj podnapis namig na Eleanor Roosevelt “Bolje prižgati eno samo svečo kot sedeti in preklinjati temo,” vendar splošna ideja velja za oba citata. Všeč mi je spletno mesto, Že nekaj časa spremljam, vendar do danes nisem začel komentirati.

  • Videl sem objavo Jima Haydena, ki te je dodala na njegov facebook, in poslal sem tudi prošnjo. Zelo mi je všeč vaš blog in vaša rubrika o tehnikah. Še vedno me navdušuje vaša metoda za pripenjanje mikrojev na glavo. Lepo te je videti v San Diegu.

  • John Snyder

    Chris, I’ve just discovered your great blog site. As webmaster for The Lepidopterists’ Družba, I’ve added a link to this site to theInternet Resourcesportion of our society website (www.lepsoc.org). Hey, you ought to join the Lep. Družba–your co-collector Jerry Powell is a long-time and active member.

    John Snyder

  • Jim Wiker

    I just ran across this site of yours, how nice! You’ve come along ways since the days at Sand Ridge.
    Thanks for listing the Illinois field guides in your favorite books, do you have the Sphinx Moth book we did yet? Let me know if not.
    Keep me posted on what you are up to and I’ll keep my eye on this website.
    Vse najboljše,
    Jim Wiker

    • Thanks for the comment and I’m glad you’re enjoying the blog. I actually haven’t seen the Sphinx book yethad no idea it was out. I remember back in those Sand Ridge days Sternburg was hard at work photographing sphingids for the book. Great to see new volumes, and you’re working on the second edition of the butterflies?

  • Bill Rhodes

    Chris – enjoyed your sitewe lived in the Bay area for six years until we moved back East in 2009. The CAS was always a favorite destination for my wife and me, and we often took our grandkids. My career didn’t take me in the direction I had expected (my undergraduate degree is in entomology from Cornell), vendar lahko živim posredno prek ljudi, kot si ti :-). Hvala, Bill Rhodes

  • Hi Chris! Odličen blog 🙂 Vaš blog sem nominiral za nagrado Liebster na svoji strani. Liebster je način za širjenje besed o drugih odličnih blogih…tehnično z manj kot 200 sledilci, ampak nisem ugotovil, kako to preveriti, zato mi oprostite, če sem napačno ocenil. Nadaljujte z odličnim delom!

  • Christine McGuire

    hvala za informacije. Lepe fotografije.

  • Cenim vašo informativno spletno stran. Poskušam načrtovati potovanje v Kostariko, in če imam prav v tem, kar praviš, zasebni zbiralec lahko pridobi ustrezna dovoljenja za ulov in izvoz, ali pa moraš biti povezan s kakšno univerzo, ali imajo diplomo entomologa? Is there a specific authority that I could contact? My two Grandkids and my wife are part of this and we usually prepare a frame for the kid’s class rooms to have and learn about what we catch, so there is some what of an educational slant. I would appreciate any info you could give me. Hvala, Tad

  • Jennifer Capps

    Do you have a Facebook page? Like a public one just for your entomology photography and everything else that you do for the museum? I’d like to follow that on Facebook, as I do not use Twitter. Please let me know. Hvala!

  • Kelly

    I have this picture, not such great quality, of this large moth which happened to land on our screen at camp bedroom under the push out window. I hope I can get it sent to you. Let me know your thoughts if you wouldn’t mind, that is. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=918939538184466&set=a.468229509922140.1073741831.100002052865274&type=3&size=1280%2C720. Highlight right click cut and paste into browserit will bring u to my FB page showing this chilling (to me), in that if the moth man curse also oomes with this creature to me looks like a skeleton on his back side, underneath his eyes were red. All black I believe, but definitely made me think of this myth/real moth man existence is. Verjamem, da je vse lahko resnično…je zgolj izbira.

  • Helder Cardoso

    Pozdravljeni Chris,

    Rad bi se samo zahvalil za vse informacije na vaši strani. Začenjam zbirati referenčno zbirko moljcev, in tukaj sem našel veliko koristnega inf.

    Vse najboljše,


  • Hartmut Wisch

    Čudovito spletno mesto, Chris, in uživam v očitnem sklicevanju na Carla Sagana. Njegov "Svet, ki ga strašijo demoni".’ je na moji knjižni polici ~ 21 let, še vedno eden mojih najljubših.
    Spominja me tudi na enega mojih najljubših citatov, od Wallacea Stegnerja:
    “Preverljivo znanje napreduje počasi, in samo v gojenju, toda basna ima brazgotine in noge, kremplje in krila in neuničljivo ovojnico kot seme plevela, in se lahko prenaša skoraj povsod in se ukorenini brez koristi zemlje ali vode.”
    Čeprav zdaj večinoma zanimajo čebele – pohodil na Mt. Pinos je pred kratkim nekajkrat opazoval malo čebelo, Izguba kalohortijev, nabiranje cvetnega prahu v Calochortus invenustus – Spomnil sem se tvojega imena, ko sem gledal majhnega moljca Lithariapteryx v cvetovih Calochortusa. Že vrsto let opazujemo tega moljca v Mt. Območje Pinos, vedno v eni od vrst Calochortus tam zgoraj. Na podlagi ključa Jerryja Powella & opis (1991), lahko je L. mirabilinella. Ponovno bom objavil na Bugguide.
    Žal, Nikoli nisem sledil, da bi vam pošiljal male Cauchasove primerke. Še vedno so z Jimom Hogueom v CSU Northridge. To pomlad sem jih videl več, v cvetovih Camissoniopsis bistorta po pričakovanjih.

  • Chris,

    Lepo je prebrati vaš blog objavo o zbiranju. Tam sem bil podiplomski študent sistematike v Illinoisu in preživel več let v zbirki. You might come across some SL Heydon collectors labels in your time. That is me. I needed up as collection manager of the Bohart Museum of Entomology at UC Davis. Vseeno, I am assuming that the rules for collecting in national grasslands are the same as those for national forests. Do you have any information on that?

    Sorry about CA. The new regulation has thrown the collecting community here in some disarray. How can undergraduate students afford $400 for a collecting permit? What seems to be the case is that if one person has a permit, they can then add associates onto that permit. There are several large aggregations of collectors doing that.


    • I do believe that National Grasslands are the same as National Forests given they are administered by the same organization. Nikoli ne škodi vprašati in imeti kopijo izjave o odvzemu pri Zavodu za gozdove.

      In $400 dovoljenje je res težavno in nerazumno. Čeprav še nikoli nisem slišal, da bi se to izvajalo, zagotovo je sistem, ki se zdi pokvarjen, in tisto, ki jo moramo popraviti!

  • […] species in the genus Anacampsis had a pretty close color resemblance. Vendar, then entomologist Chris Grinter left a comment on this page that he thought it looked more like something in the family Pyralidae, […]

  • […] erlaubt ist, oder nicht, gibt die Seite „Skeptični Moth“. Die Seite wird von Chris Grinter betrieben, der für die Universität von Illinois […]

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