Genius Akhbar XXII

Kembali dari rehat dan kembali ke siri serangga-berita-kegagalan Genius of the Press! Baru dari akhbar dari tahun lepas, Jabatan Alam Sekitar, Makanan dan Hal Ehwal Luar Bandar di UK telah ditutup kerana serangan besar-besaran rama-rama pakaian. Gambar yang ditunjukkan di sini dari “Bangsastory is a far cry from a proper clothes moth (Tineidae) – looks like a Noctuidae of some kind.


But it’s hard to blame them for getting this moth wrong when UK pest control companies don’t even know what a clothes moth is. Here is Instakil’s version ofthe moththat happens to be a Plusiinae noctuid.


And the winner for failed identification goes to this other UK companyHawk Force“. Not even a mothbut a skipper butterfly!


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