
バック裂孔から、バックプレス昆虫ニュース障害シリーズの天才へ! 昨年からのプレスオフ新鮮, 環境のための学科, 英国での食品·農村地域省は、衣服蛾の大規模な侵入のために閉鎖された. ここに示した絵 “ネイションstory is a far cry from a proper clothes moth (Tineidae) – looks like a Noctuidae of some kind.


But it’s hard to blame them for getting this moth wrong when UK pest control companies don’t even know what a clothes moth is. Here is Instakil’s version の “the moththat happens to be a Plusiinae noctuid.


And the winner for failed identification goes to this other UK companyHawk Force“. Not even a mothbut a skipper butterfly!

