Errores en Reno: ESA 2011

I’ve just returned from the annual Sociedad Entomológica de América conference in Reno, Nevada! Es la reunión más grande de su tipo en el mundo, con más de 4,000 asistentes de todos los ámbitos de la vida de investigación de insectos. Mis intereses están en la sistemática, Evolución y biodiversidad conversaciones – and I’ll try to recap a few of the fascinating presentations I attended over the next few weeks.

Of particular note was a wonderful talk given by the acclaimed bug blogger, Bug Chica! It was wonderful to meet her in person and hear about her own experiences as a blogger. I encourage you to watch the draft of her talk yourself, if you haven’t already!


[youtube watch?v=0bmtLlJcEtA&feature=channel_video_title]

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