Ocupat ca un fluture de noapte

Asta e modul în care se spune, dreapta? Two weeks ago I participated in the 5th annual National Geographic BioBlitz peste in Saguaro National Park în Tucson, Arizona. It was a great excuse to get back into the field and it was the first time I collected Arizona in the fall. Temps were still pushing the mid 90’s but things had been dry and the impressive abundance of the monsoon season was long gone. In total my moth colleagues and I collected around 140 de specii de Lepidoptera, 56 din care au fost microleps! Sadly though it seems that either other insects were far and few inbetween, sau alte echipe entomologie nu corespund cu atenție tot ceea ce au văzut. Numai 190 arthropods were counted in total – am pierdut la plantele vasculare (325 specie) și chiar ciuperci (205)!


Aici este o scurt interviu cu mine într-o într-adevăr hot tent with lots of kids (care trebuie să mi-au dat asta rece am acum). Perhaps my wild estimate of a possible 15,000 specii din SUA este pe partea de înaltă, dar nu e imposibil.



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