
A few months ago a magnificent key to the Lepidoptera of Canada (所有这些) was published by Jason Dombroskie – 从U博士生. 阿尔伯塔. 该程序可用于Windows用户只所以我还没有一个很好的机会去探索它尚未 – but the PDF is available online and covers the same material. All known Canadian Lepidoptera are included in this key and most of them down to subfamily or even tribe! 有 222 taxa, 73 characters and 266 character states that help narrow things down. This is the first reference of its kind to accurately and completely cover the fauna of an entire country and the first to use a well illustrated and interactive key. It’s surprising how well known the leps are yet how few good references exist, almost none of which have a usable key. For everyone out there who has struggled to identify leps before this will be an incredibly helpful resource. 授, there are likely a few US moths that could throw a wrench into the flow of things, but by and large I doubt there will be many problems.

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