Key to the Lepidoptera of Canada

A few months ago a magnificent key to the Lepidoptera of Canada (all of them) was published by Jason Dombroskiea PhD student from the U. of Alberta. The program is available for windows users only so I haven’t had a good chance to explore it yetbut the PDF is available online and covers the same material. All known Canadian Lepidoptera are included in this key and most of them down to subfamily or even tribe! Ir 222 taxa, 73 characters and 266 character states that help narrow things down. This is the first reference of its kind to accurately and completely cover the fauna of an entire country and the first to use a well illustrated and interactive key. It’s surprising how well known the leps are yet how few good references exist, gandrīz nevienai no tām nav lietojamas atslēgas. Ikvienam, kurš ir cīnījies, lai identificētu leps pirms tam, tas būs neticami noderīgs resurss. Piešķirti, iespējams, ir daži ASV naktstauriņi, kas var iemest uzgriežņu atslēgu lietu plūsmā, bet kopumā šaubos, ka būs daudz problēmu.

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