Astelehena sits

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Schinia villosa


Astelehen honetan sits duo bat da Schinia villosa (Noctuidae) zer suposatuz nabil atseden beren ostalari landare (Erigeron spp.). Jaurtiketa honek snapped dut inguruan 9,000 Kaibab Ipar Arizonako plateau azken hilabetea oinak sortu. Sute batek duela urte batzuk erre behar izan arean wildflowers lodi zeudelako PONDEROSA pinuak aztarnak belztu artean, eta moths hauek izan ziren nonahi.

1 comment to Monday Moth

  • aupa, what a great shot. I love that there’s two, and that it looks like the one of the left put the petal on the head of the one on the right, moth-flirt. I thought earlier last week about the very local fire we’ve had (Motor Fire) and how I’m SUPER curious re: what it’ll mean for wildflowers next year. Our last big fire in the area combined with perfect rain patterns for a CRAZY best in 30 years Ca poppy bloom. Spectacular. Fire does SUCH cool stuff to landscapes. =) Eskerrak!!