It-tnejn Moth

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Chiricahua multidentata (Kamla geometer)

Il-kamla ta 'dan it-Tnejn hija speċi spettakolari mill-muntanji ta' Arizona – Chiricahua multidentata, a Geometrid. L-uniku post magħruf għal din l-ispeċi jinsab fil-quċċata tal-muntanji Chiricahua hawn fuq 9,000 saqajn (li kien biss bruned għal iqarmeċ). Nisperaw li n-nar ma kienx devastanti għal kollox u l-popolazzjoni se tirkupra fis-snin li ġejjin. Qabel 2009 din il-kamla kienet magħrufa minn inqas minn 10 kampjuni, kollha maqbuda fl-elevazzjoni kemmxejn aktar baxxa fuq Onion Saddle fil-Chiricahuas. Fir-rebbiegħa ta 2009 aċċess għal triq gated twassal għall-ġbir ta 'għexieren ta' kampjuni f'lejl wieħed. Ir-rekords kollha ta 'qabel kienu strays rari li kienu niżlu għal 8500′ – iżda s-sempliċi att ta 'sewqan up extra 1000′ 500’poġġi lill-kollettur fl-abitat ideali u b’mod sorprendenti din il-kamla kienet komuni! Dan jidher li huwa l-istess għall-kors mal-biċċa l-kbira tal-insetti, ftit huma fil-fatt rari filwaqt li l-bqija huma biss diffiċli biex jinqabdu. Jew ma jiġux għad-dwal, togħġobx ’il bogħod minn driegħ, jew jgħixu biss f'ħabitats diffiċli għall-aċċess. Ladarba inti tiskopri l-bijoloġija tagħhom (jew ħu xortik tajba) normalment tista 'ssib l-annimal fl-abbundanza.

Jista' jkun li ndunajt ukoll l-istazzjonar regolari ta' Monday Moth – Ilni barra fil-qasam għal dawn l-aħħar ġimgħatejn u kelli munzell ta 'postijiet skedati. Għandi nibda nħallat l-affarijiet aktar issa!

6 kummenti lill it-tnejn Moth

  • Allura, now you’ve got me wondering what this species depends upon (vegetation: food for self & progeny, shelter) and how that responds to fire

    Iva, indeed, re: things that live near roads and trails SEEM v. common vs. things that avoid same. Reminds me of a story of an older gentleman who lived I think in Owens Valley?? My moth friend said this guy had seen a particular moth only when it was below 32 dF (forgive me if I’m repeating myself), I think 27 or so, and no body believed him. Then the guys went out to try and find it. 32 F, no moth. 30 F, no moth, 27 F, this moth starts flying around. Do you know this story and/or the moth?

    =) Xorta, thanks for the post of the lofty moth.

    • I’m not sure I’ve heard the exact story you’re recallingbut I know of lots of examples like this. I just collected a series of Gazoryctra wielgusi in Arizona and they only fly for 15 minutes between 7:45 u 8 (later in August they fly a little earlier, but still for 15 minuti). I actually set my alarm on my phone and the first moth flew in at 7:47 and the last one at 7:58. Amazing!

  • Bruce Walsh

    Attwalment, even more subtle than this. The elevation difference is closer to 500 saqajn, and the vegetation looks very much the same at the higher location than down at Rustler Park/Onion Saddle

  • Ara naqra, super interesting (745 – 8).
    Do you know the plant species your Monday Moth depends upon?

    • Officially the host plant is unknownbut one female did lay eggs on a pine stem when offered a large choice of local plants. The egg’s didn’t hatch, but it’s not too unreasonable to guess pine is preferred.