
过上节肢动物, 老乡SFS博客迈克尔·博克分享他的领域哥们图像, Plugg的绿色树蛙. My first thought was of a similar tree frog that haunted welcomed me everywhere I went in Santa Rosa National Park, 哥斯达黎加. 不用说, Costa Rica instills a sudden habit of double checking everything you are about to do. This species is known as the milk frog (Phrynohyas venulosa) for their copious amounts of milky white toxic secretions. One of the first stories Dan Janzen told me while while I was with him at Santa Rosa was about this speciesand accidentally rubbing his eye after holding it. Thankfully the blindness and burning was only temporary.

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Milk Frog: Phrynohyas venulosa
