
今天的蛾是一個美麗和稀有物種從東南亞利桑那州和墨西哥: Lerina體現 (蚯蚓科: 牛蒡科). 像其他許多天飛行的物種是,顏色鮮豔,很可能aposematic. 畢竟, 寄主植物是馬利筋和毛毛蟲一樣驚人 (下面).

Grinter Lerina incarnata Arctiidae

Lerina體現 (蚯蚓科: 牛蒡科)


This image of an old, spread specimen hardly does the animal justice, but one lucky photographer found a female ovipositing at the very top of a hill outside of Tucson, 亞利桑那. While you’re at it go check out some of Philip’s other great photographs on SmugMug.

Lerina體現 - Philip Kline, BugGuide

As I mentioned above this moth also has an equally impressive caterpillar that feeds on Ascleapias linaria (pineneedle milkweed).
