Mecoptera de América do Norte

Tubérculo de Merope

O novo na web desta semana é un excelente recurso sobre Mecoptera de América do Norte. dr. Norm Penny elaborou unha guía ilustrada de todas as especies norteamericanas con imaxes de habitus e xenitais. Aínda que non é moi diverso, os Mecoptera demostran ser un grupo enigmático e fascinante. Tómese un momento para explorar o sitio e identificar os seus exemplares!

4 comments to Mecoptera of North America

  • The internet is a pure, clean place. You shouldn’t put pictures of genitalia on the internet.

  • James Engman

    Ola. My students and I are looking for the “Mecoptera de América do Norte,” but links found here and elsewhere seem broken. Can anyone direct me to it, please? Grazas. J. Engman, Henderson State University Biology Department, Arkadelphia, AR

    • Heard from Norm Penny and he is aware the site is down. The CAS moved to a new web design and he has intentions to re-format the site, but might not get to it for a little while.

  • EntAnon

    Hopefully CAS will not neglect the scientific needs that the institution is meant for.