Mystery Revelaed

OK – nokkrar Apologies fyrir að hafa ekki fullt af myndum * enn * lirfanna ræðir (Ég mun á næstu dögum!). Um helgina var ég út með hóp af Berkeley nemenda á Mount Hamilton og doktorsnemi Meghan Culpepper safnað nokkrum tegundir Scaphinotus og sumir lirfur! So the specimen from Monday was indeed the larvae of a Scaphinotus beetle feasting inside the shell of a native terrestrial snail. This challenge was a hard one since these predatory Scaphinotus larvae are rarely encountered and there are zero images of out thereand none of them feeding. Better luck next time!

For now, here is an undetermined Scaphinotus species. In the coming weeks I will have 4-5 species photographed and identified (by Meghan) – and the larvae will have to be sequenced for species ID. Dvöl lag.

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