Hobeto izango zer bitartean egin duzu zaindua landan egindako. Farms leku arriskutsua izan daiteke, Oraindik argazkilari batez ere. Floridan proposamena legeria, besterik gabe, izenburua “ustiategiak”, Argazkigintzan edo marrazkiak egiteko saiatzean, arte edo of esplizitua idatzizko baimena lehen maila delitu gabe baserri batean (gehienez 30 kartzelan urte). Zer egin liteke ziurrenik legedia honen justifikazioa izan? Kazetaria Barry Doyle iradokitzen ona senataria da ongi Nekazaritza poltsikoetan – begira nekazari pobreak diren animalien eskubideen talde edo are okerragoa norakoak dutenentzat – giza eskubideen aldeko taldeek! Nahi dutela esatean ohi dut, legedia honen ustelkeria pieza disgusting da. Nahiko txarra daukala:

(2) Pertsona bat erretratatzen, Bideo erregistroak, or otherwise produces images or pictorial records, digital or otherwise, at or of a farm or other property where legitimate agriculture operations are being conducted without the written consent of the owner, or an authorized representative of the owner, commits a felony of the first degree

I strongly encourage any of my Florida readers to write to Senator Norman and express your absolute disgust in his legislation.

14031 N. Dale Mabry Blvd.
Tampa, FL 33618
(813) 265-6260
Senate VOIP: 41200

I also encourage everyone else everywhere else to write to your US representative and exclaim your outrage over this possible violation of first amendment rights (only a proposed violation at this moment).

And just for good measure, here is a bad cellphone picture I took while in Oregon with lots of farms.


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