Genius of the Press XVII

Normalean, aldizka nahikoa etorkizuneko serie backlog bat gorde dudala izugarria entomologia artikulu topatu nuen. Honek ez du azken asteetan zehar hala izan, Ez dut terrible media crud sorta normal topo. Agian lortu dut besterik jaded eta gelditzeko arretaz begira – baina aste honetan are erlazionatutako sits bat topatu nuen zuzenketa Maui News from. Euren error finkoa dute, baina ezabatu egin behar jatorrizko artikulua…

Eta aste honetan aurkitu dut Artikulu honetan Beheko irudian batera. Nahiko erraza ARRAROA gelditzea izan behar luke (dute of gutxienez kudeatzeko azpimarratzea sits dela ez LBAM du (argi marroia sagar sits)).


5 comments to Genius of the Press XVII

  • That is /not/ what a death’s head hawkmoth pronotum looks like! I think it’s a clipping from the Silence of the Lambs movie poster.


  • Movie posters aside, death’s heads aren’t found on this side of the world. Edo, are they? I bet Jerry rues the day he reported his little LBAM find from his backyard. I know a couple organic farmer friends in Santa Cruz county who still curse his name, when they should be cursing Kawamura. For a couple months in 2008 we had airplanes spraying all night long, even though we’re supposedly within the boundaries of a national marine sanctuary. I love the title of the article.