Ești un student?

Ce zici de $2,000? Sau poate stii un student care are nevoie de acest? BioQuip oferă o bursă anuală a “încuraja [student] interesul elevilor în entomologie”, dar ghici cât de mulți oameni aplicat anul trecut? 3. Și, din păcate asta e de fapt mare, Sunt destul de sigur că premiul a mers nerevendicate în ultimii ani. Chris Fall of BioQuip made this announcement a few days ago at the Entomological Collections Network meeting in San Diego (which was wonderful, more to follow on that and the EntSoc meetings!) ((Bine, Bine, I know my posting has been sparse lately))

The word needs to get out, so I will do my part. It would be great to see more professors, grad students and enthusiastic undergrads asking BioQuip about their stash of free money! Merge aici și aici to see how you can apply. Spread the word.

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