'Tis la stagione per dare

Io so quello che sto sperando from santa di quest'anno!

Bene, non proprio. In realtà io non colleziono farfalle, e soprattutto non queste birdwings giganti. Sono stordimento, ma oltre ad essere enorme, sono anche costosi (i campioni medi andare per circa un centinaio di dollari). The newsworthy part of this story is how much it went for at auction. Before I tell you the pricethis is a rare aberration of a rare butterfly (the forewing is almost a solid green blush, which is freakish). Ma…it’s still just a butterfly.

Drumroll please

At auction in France, this butterfly just fetched a whopping 17,000 ! After taxes and fees, this specimen probably cost someone around $25,000 dollars. And the crazy thing is that this isn’t even the most that’s ever been paid for a butterfly. I can’t find records of any proof, but I wouldn’t be shocked if I heard of a specimen fetching more than $100,000. Good grieftime to start my Ornithoptera breeding program!

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