
一个悲伤的故事才刚刚作出了这样从伯利兹 – 在 American Crocodile Education Sanctuary has burned to the ground. 乍一看,这只是一个关于研究和保护设施,已经失去了一个悲惨的火灾的不幸报告. 那, 然而, 是不是整个故事. It turns out that a mob of indigenous Mayans flew into a rage and torched the facility. 为什么? Because a psychic told them the owners had murdered children and fed them to their crocodiles!

It was like something out of a Frankenstein movie,” Cherie Rose said Tuesday. “If we’d been home, they would have killed us. They said they were going to chop us up and feed us to the crocodiles.

National police confirm that the indigenous Maya villagers were acting on the advice of a psychic who said the Roses had something to do with the August 7 disappearance of 9-year-old Benjamin Rash and his 11-year-old sister Onelia.

The question often comes up – “what harm is it really?” – in regards to this sort of anti-scientifc woo. Most of the time, there really isn’t any damage done, except to the pocketbook. 但, every once in a while, something tragic happens and it all could easily have been avoided with even the tiniest bit of rational thought or discretion. The psychic in town was far and beyond reckless by blaming these gringosand she should suffer the consequences for her actions. She deliberately blamed two innocent people for the death of local children, which quickly resulted in a severe loss of personal property. 感激地, Cherie and Vince Rose were both away at the time rescuing a crocodilethey may have not escaped the angry mob had they been at home. Examples of this always make me sad, but reignite my passion for debunking these thieves and criminals.

I suggest visiting the ACES website and blog and either donate or write a note of support. If I weren’t a broke scientist myself, I’d offer more assistance for their efforts to rebuild. 现在 – who will help educate those villagers before this happens again?!
