복스 Populi, 볼륨 I

I’ve come across a few e-mail transcripts of questions sent into our entomology department and I can not resist sharing them. I promise these messages are (and will be) 100% real and unedited. Names have been changed or removed to protect the innocent. Hopefully, I will come across these every once in a while, and keep this as an ongoing series. Submissions of your own are encouraged!

죄송합니다, this first one is longbut well worth the read.

1 행진 2006: 3:23시.

I am sending you pictures of a spider I possess that appears to be a Zoropsis spinimana. I need more information about this spider than is what is on the internet. 또한, I do not know if this spider is male or female. I have had the spider for 2 주. It is still alive-but I am not sure what it eats. I have tried several things. If you are interested in this spider we can talk more-however, I get the feeling that this spider is not of real interest to your department. Please respond to me and examine the pictures. If you do not want me to email you again then, please tell me or I will assume that you did not get my email with the pictures. Both you and Dr. “엑스” are extremely busy and it appears that you travel a great deal. Probably with more interesting things than this spider. The pictures are below-if you cannot access them then please notify me and I will trywhat ever I can doto get these pictures to you. Thank you for any help you can give me,”

진정으로, “woman X

(more after the break)


2 행진 2006: 1:50시

Correct! Your spider is indeed a Zoropsis spinimana. It is a female, because its palps are slender; these would be swollen and dark in males. Where did you get it? We are not interested in having this spider ONLY IF it is from Santa Clara Valley, as we have many specimens from there. If it is from any place else, we are interested in it for our collection. As for feeding it, the spider would probably be happy with a smallish cricket or a largish fly, and don’t forget to give it some water. Many thanks for sending us this information.

건배, “entomologist

reply (and hold onto your hats)

10 행진 2006: 4:30시.

I am very happy that you responded to me!!! I am sorry to say that (Mary) the spider died shortly after you emailed me. She dies holdng my finger while in my palm. This is why I have not resonded to you as soon as I shoud have. I had written to you a long story about my experiences with Mary only to be erase by a wrong click of my computer. I will put down in writing about my expiences with Mary as soon as I am able to overcome my grief.

Before I knew the spider’s gender, I tried to name the spider a name that was both female and male. The name I had chosen was chris. The spider told me that her name was Mary. She told me not with words but in my head (which I can see you think is totally crazy-and probabaly am). I insisted that no spider can be called Mary. It just didn’t fit, even though Chris didn’t fit either. But the spider insisted it’s name was Mary. So I tried to call it Mary, but had a hard time calling the spider Mary because I kept calling itmy spider”. I just could not fathom a spider with a name like Mary. This occurred shortly after I came into possession of the spider and way before I knew it was male or female.

I could not find the spider underknown spider or under unknown spiders”. So I looked in the internet underSan Francisco Bay Area Spidersand found that you were tracking this spider. If you are interested, I spent a geat deal of time with this spider. I do not know if this was just an unusual spider or a spider that connceted with a human beings. All I know is this spider adores humans. Who would have guessed that a spider could love humans who seek to destroy them, 그들은 당신의 집 또는 그녀가 나에게 와서 차고에 특히. 나는 그녀가 짝을 발견했다 나 근처에 계란 자루를 마련했다 매우 많은 희망. 당신이 관심이 있다면 그녀는 내가 만난 다른 거미처럼 내가 모든 마리아에 대해 알려드립니다. 뿐만 아니라 그녀의 이국적인 이집트 아름다움, 하지만 방법으로 그녀는 나에게 달라 붙었다. 그녀는 나와 함께 나에게 모든 시간을 원했다. 내가 컴퓨터에 근무하는 동안 그녀가 총 함량에 것처럼 사실 그녀는 내 손가락에 머물 것. 훨씬 더 당신을 말할 수있다, 당신이 거미에 관심이하지 않는하지만 과학적인 존재입니다 외에, 당신은 알 수 없습니다 그’ spititual 존재. 메리와 내 경험 후, 지금은 우리가 영적으로 연결되어 있는지 알고. That does not mean that you embrace a rattle snake that will kill you or avoid and destroy animals that seek to eat and destroy you. Humans must do what they have to to survive, just as other creatures do.

But this is one time when a spider and a human have found love and affection for another that defies nature. I do not know if it is just this spider or the type of spider. All I know is it is the kindest and most loving spider that I have ever met.

I know in your world everything is objectivity. But when dealing with humans their is Objectivity and Subjectivity. Maybe the specialists, as yourselves possesss all the knowlege possible to humans, can find the subjectivity and not just the objectivity in studing their subjects. Maybe, fing the insect that finds you and then take the time toget to know itjust like a dog or a cat or any other creature that you became attached to. Answer the question to yourselvesWHY”.

마지막 한가지, Mary found companionship in a beetle that I brought back from the Tahoo National Forest (3000-4500 feet altitude). They not only became friends, but compainions. I found them sleeping together with their little legs entangled. It appeared to me that the beetle was comforting Mary more so than the beetle needed comforting for itself. I can tell you many observations and interactions that I have had with ths spider-there I go again, calling Marythe spider or my spider”. Mary was not the spider or my sider, she was my teacher and my friend. If you want more information, then please email me back. 또한 내가 책에서 찾을 수없는이 거미에 대한 질문의 큰 거래를 가지고.

난 정말 내 질문을받을 때까지 마리아 다만 주체성에 대한 답변 대응을 유지하고 싶습니다, 뿐만 아니라 객관성. 난 당신이하기 전에 질문을-I는 그녀가 한 번만 저를 물린 알고 wnat과 혈액을 끌었다, 나는 그녀의 안에서 개미의 mutitude을 얻으려고 노력하는 동안. 그녀는 피를 그린, 그러나 어떤 웰트 또는 다른 염증 반응이나 통증없이. 당신은 말할 수 없다 다른 베드 버그에 대한, 거미 (갈색 은둔자 또는 블랙 / 브라운 과부를 포함하지 않음), 모기, 검은 파리, 등.

내 질문은:

그 무엇이다’ 라이프 사이클?

그들은 그들의 메이트를 먹지 마십시오?

왜 여기에 있습니다, 그러나 이러한 몇 가지 숫자?

얼마 동안은이 거미의 라이브를 수행?

왜 인간을 좋아합니까?

그들은 쓰레기를 먹는 곤충 외에 무엇을 먹고 정확히 않습니다?

What do they eat in their native country?

Why are all ot her insects and worms want to bw near the spider ans

gravitade to it rather than run in the other direction?”

Why does Mary not eat them, but run away from them?

What does she really eat?

Why to young crickets try to play with it?

Why do crickets feel rejected when she does not?

Why do teenage and adult cricket got toward the spider and the sider

wants nothing to do with them.

Why does evey insect or worm I put in for food for the spider. wants to

be with it and is not afraid of it?

아직, the spider only found consolence with the beetle and me?

Thank you for listening to me. I am in deep grief over loosing Mary-I do not know why-maybe something I was missing in myself. 이러한 마리아와 같은 생물 내 문앞에 온 이유는이 질문에 대답 할 수없고 모르는. 난 단지 알고, 그녀는 인간을 사랑하고 내가 만난 가장 인간 거미입니다!

응답하세요, 슬픔의 사람으로부터. 나는 너무 많은 질문이!!! 그리고 더 많은 답변은 주관적이고 객관적인 방법을 제공합니다. 듣기 위해 다시 한번 감사드립니다!!! 또한 나는 맞춤법이나 문법 검사를 통해 넣어 두렵다, 그게 내가 당신에게 내 othet 메시지를 분실하는 방법이기 때문에. 그래서 서면 영어로 내 오류를 용서. 귀하의 질문에 대한 대답은 실망 될 것입니다 것은 거미 사우스 산호세에서 발견 된 것입니다, 크라운 거리에 우체국 근처 Amaden 밸리, neaest 교차로 알마 덴 고속도로.

당신이 관심이 있다면 나는 아직도 죽은 거미가, but at lest I was able to get you some pictures.

Thank you again-Please email me! I want to know more about this particular spider and Barnes and Nobles is not helping.

LoveWoman X

No further correspondence.

8 comments to Vox Populi, 볼륨 I

  • Wowzers! I feel for you. When I was working at a museum in Ohio, I had an older woman repeatedly contact me aboutinvisible bugsthat were biting her. She refused to let her children and grandchildren visit her for fear they would be infested, 너무, and she worried they believed she was loosing her mind. After several sad phone calls, I finally relented and instructed her how to send me a sample. She mailed me *used* toilet paper (#2, btw) in a sandwich baggie. Ick! Eventually, after trying to encourage her to see a psychologist, I figured her recent perm and winter dryness had caused the irritation and I gave her recommendations to use a humidifier, conditioner, and lotion. I never heard from her again.

  • O…….엠…….F……지!!!

  • 밥 Abela

    와, just plain freaky! Makes me think of Dr. Doolittle


    I’m sure we can add a spin for spiders.

  • Why do crickets feel rejected when she does not?”

    This was the highlight!

    와, 하지만. That’s a pretty crazy story!

  • lol, you should see some of the questions that come into my website, just like this one. I never thought about posting themalways just assumed it was colleagues trying to prank me ;o)

    maybe I will start sending them to you to start posting