Genius of the press, part II

Published in the Santa Barbara News Press, Vinter 2009. Who can tell me what’s wrong with these captions?

Page scan credit: Stuart Wilson.

Time to let Texas be its own country again

As if educational standards weren’t bad enough in this country, Texas has decided to make them worse. A recent push from a conservative school board has re-written history, literally. The logic may be a bit difficult to follow, but they have attempted tobalancehistory by injecting more conservative ideals (mind you, no one is . . . → Læs mere: Time to let Texas be its own country again

When I’m too lazy to think of my own material,

I post someone else’s. Came across this series in a PZ Myers lecture, pretty entertaining and you should go check out Mr. Deity yourself.

[crackle src=/p/Mr._Deity/Mr._Deity_and_the_Messages.swf&fv=id=2021384&mu=0&ap=0]

Butterfly af ugen

Not the typical butterflybut this is the protein folding structure from a South American hemorrhagic feverthe Machupo virus. The article was found on Science Daily. A striking resemblance to a butterfly, maybe even a Hesperiidae (photo from Butterflies of America).

. . . → Læs mere: Butterfly af ugen

Lægerne er ude.

I caught a brief airing of the TV showThe Doctors“, today’s episode was titledMedical Emergencies You Can’t Ignore”. For the most part they regurgitate positive medical health affirmations. They also babble on abouthealthyfoods and things that are good for you and thedangersof all kinds of common household bacteria/chemicals and . . . → Læs mere: Lægerne er ude.

Køb Chris's helt nye helbredende tonic!

Godt, I bet if I was selling something it would show up pretty damn low on this chart. Nedenfor kan du se forskellige alternative midler rangeret i overensstemmelse med deres videnskabelige effektivitet. Følg linket for en mere omfattende forklaring af vurderingerne, men retsmidlerne er rangeret baseret på hvert krav – green tea . . . → Læs mere: Køb Chris's helt nye helbredende tonic!

Heldigvis, Jeg er ikke en bille

Fordi jeg ville have været udsat for denne. Tal om dyremishandling! Okay, Bare for sjov, men denne historie er en smule latterligt. I artiklen hedder det forskerne havde brugt stemme Limbaugh, fordi det var “let tilgængelige”, ikke fordi de hadede ham. Nå det viser sig ikke at være sandt, de valgte Rush . . . → Læs mere: Heldigvis, Jeg er ikke en bille

All my friends are insects

Rivers Cuomo wrote me a song. Not bad, but now I think I want that mantis costume for Halloween. And of course I am obliged to point out that earthworms are not insects


The genius of the press

Came across this article today care of Doug Yanega at UC Riverside, which spurred the search for further information. Who can tell me what thoseflowersactually are? 10 points to the first to guess correctlyor maybe some awesome prize?

Lidt morgenmusik

[youtube =]