Sizə Ken Griffey Jr verəcəyik. üçün…

This is something I’ve never seen before. Growing up I have always had someone give me some kitsch object with insects on them, even playing cards. Well even last year I got another insect themed tie. (I don’t have the whimsey of PZ Myers and his awesome tie.) Lakin, they were all printed images of course. New this year from Upper Deck, entomology cards! If you scroll down the page you notice something strikingthey aren’t pictures, but actual insects. Here is an image from the link above:

Heyrət! Vay- and follow this link to Facebook to see more of what is to come. I guess these are a modern version of thetobacco card”, which was an extra collectors card inserted into regular card packs. Last year the company passed out redemption cards that would allow it to be returned for the real thing seen above. According to ESPN, these cards are going for over $100 to people who have no idea what insect they may get. A quick look on e-bay found one currently bid to $87.00. Fiqurla gedin. In all, Upper Deck plans to release 30 different types of insects. On the back of each card there is an old-timeyrange mapand short blurb about the insect. They are alsocertifiedas being genuine, whatever that means. Do they have a taxonomist consulting? I bet my hourly rates would be less than whoever they have now

The butterfly ones crack me up, they are just closed specimens laid on their side. I would think a spread specimen would be more appealing, but maybe no one at Upper Deck realizes this is how they should be prepared. Kim onlara mantidlərini verirsə, onları hazırlamaq üçün çox vaxt sərf edir zərif görünmək. Bunlardan neçəsi hazırlanır, həqiqətən də maraqlıdır, aydındır ki, bu heç bir böyük miqdarda davam edə bilməz. Düşünürəm ki, sonda bu, heç vaxt böcəyə iki dəfə baxa bilməyən insanlar arasında çox maraqlı bir söhbətə səbəb olur, və xüsusilə kolleksiya bir şey kimi. Maraqlıdır, PETA nə düşünür?… tamam, Biz bilirik ki artıq çox.

2 şərhlər mən Ken Griffey Jr. üçün…