Arizona nadväzujúce

Map/% updated June 20, 6popoludnie.

Updates to the maps and containment percentages have been made to my earlier post. Here is a map of the 4th fire burning in SE Arizona, the Monument fire. This one is only 10% 17% 15% 27% contained and is burning in the southern end of the Huachuca Mountains . . . → Čítajte viac: Arizona nadväzujúce

Arizona on Fire

Maps/containment % updated: 16 Jún

As July approaches I being to look forward to the Pacific Coast meeting of the Lepidopterists’ Spoločnosť. This year it will take place in Prescott Arizona, o 2 hours north of Phoenix. And as of this moment it is one of the few places in Arizona not on fire. . . . → Čítajte viac: Arizona on Fire

Západné Arizona

Pred niekoľkými mesiacmi som bol vonku zberu v západnej Arizone a nedokázal dotiahnuť do konca so všetkými obrázkami a aktualizácií na tejto ceste. Dobre, to bol úspech a stojí míle sa tam dostať! Hľadal som na Crambid mora v horách KOFA National Wildlife Refuge (Zvláštne poďakovanie . . . → Čítajte viac: Západné Arizona

In the field

One of the perks of being an entomologist is traveling and collecting. I put a few thousand miles on the car every summer and these are two of the best places in Arizona to collect. The top image is from the Baboquivari Mountains (Baboquivari Peak in the middle), Brown Canyon Research Station. . . . → Čítajte viac: In the field